Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Greetings

For that past 2.5 weeks every time we go to our placement to teach all the little kids around the ages of 1-4 greet us as we are getting out of our car. There are at least 10 kids that come up to us wanting to shake our hands and say good morning. It is the cutest thing ever, and something that totally warms my heart everyday. They are the most adorable kids living in pretty harsh conditions but always greet us with a smile and great enthusiasm. I will definitely miss that greeting when I return to the states, but for now I can cherish it for the next 3 days...


  1. Chantelle,
    I can't beleive that your 3 weeks in India are about to end.
    You will not only cherish the daily greetings of the children you worked with , but you will forever treasure the memories you made over these past weeks.. from the airplane ride, to the new friends you made and all the places you went and things you did.
    I am so glad you kept this blog as it allowed us the opportunity to "see" and "experience" along with you...so thank you for that.
    You are truly an amazing young woman whom we all admire and are so proud of. Continue to follow your dreams, Chantelle!
    We love you and have a safe trip back home!

  2. It's lovely that your decision to attend that conference in California led to such a meaningful, fulfilling experience for you. I can't wait to Skype with you and hear more. :)
