Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Delhi Belly!!

I made it a week and 4 days with out anything wrong with me. I have been feeling great, and have had no problems until....yesterday morning. (sorry if I get a little graffic, but hey that's life!)

So I wake up yesterday morning (tues) go to the bathroom and I have diarreah!! Great! So the girls in my flat told me take immodium immediately. So I did. But I was feeling really weak, my body was aching and I felt exhausted! I called Bella to let her know what happened and she said to stay home. Do not go to work today. So I stayed home and slept until 2pm. Then I got up and the CCS staff had left me some soup. So, I poured this clear liquid soup in a bowl and literally took 5-6 spoonfulls before I started feeling really hot and the next thing I knew I was throwing up the soup.

I felt awful. I hadn't eaten anything all day and was hungry so I thought maybe I should try some "american food". Jackie had some fig nutons so I had some of those and had no problem. The rest of the day I just slept, and even though I had slept half the day I still felt exhausted. Then I decided to go to the doctors to find out what was wrong with me. (I'm glad I did!!)

The Indian doctor was great! I only had to pay 600 Rupees ($12) to see him. I explained everything that happened to me, and then he gave me an exam. Once he pressed down on my stomach he felt and heard the rumble. He said yep, "What you have is an intestinal infection. You must have eaten something that was contaminated." So he prescribed me cipro, some vitamins, and some pills to stop me from vomitting when I ate. Luckily I had brought my own antibiotics so I was good and didn't need the cipro. He also told me to get a lot of rest and drink a lot of fluids.

I felt a lot better(mentally) after going to the doctors. At least I knew what was wrong with me and how to cure it. Once we got back to CCS I decided to have a little dinner with the girls, I had a couple of bites of bread and thew up again! Clearly this bug in my gut was not allowing me to eat anything. So I just took my avalox, drank some water and went to bed.

I am feeling a lot better today. I have still not eaten anything for fear that I will throw up, but I'm going to try to take the pills the doc had prescribed to keep me from vomitting. We'll see how that goes...

I guess I was bound to get the Dehli Belly at some point...there is no escape!!


  1. Oh Chantelle,
    I didn't know you were sick until I read your last email. You must have written this blog right after I read the last ones from your weekend.
    I do hope your antibiotic is working. Make sure to take the total dose.
    ...and hopefully you will not get infected again! You need to drink fluids so that you don't get dehydrated.
    Let me know how you're feeling.

  2. Hey Chantelle. First of all...I'm soooo proud of you for blogging A LOT!!!!!! :) I've been a little bit busy with work and commuting and visitors the last two weeks, so did not get around to reading your blog until now.

    Regarding the food issues, I completely sympathize. I got food poisoning when I was in Boston in April, and it took me about 2 days before I was okay with eating solid foods. Stick with the soup until your stomach is feeling normal. Clear soup with maybe a few cut up veggies should be okay. I know how it is...no fun. And like your mom said, make sure you drink enough liquids!

    Big hug from Nürnberg!!!! Glad that you are feeling better already. Hope you are 100% soon.
